As I wrote previously, I'm not just a dynamo of adventure; I'm also a brainy bookworm. Architecture's my muse, a symphony of math and design. I even enrolled in Kids Architect School in Kyiv – because who needs ordinary school when you can build your way to brilliance?
And then there's the realm of invention – like crafting your own universe from scratch. Ever built a Lego house that even your wildest dreams would envy? That's where Inventor Lego School swooped in, turning me into a robot-building, architecture-designing, world-shaping genius. Inventions are like the dessert of life – you savor every bite of the magic you create.
Recently, I got Arduino as a gift – just imagine what can be done with this gold!
Life, an exquisite mosaic of possibilities, invites us to explore, to grasp at each thread of curiosity. I am a devotee of this wondrous expedition, determined to solve the mystery and master the melodies of existence. Each sunrise heralds a new chapter in this exhilarating saga of learning and growth.