Melodies have always been a companion in my life, but the grand entrance of a musical instrument totally flipped my world a few years ago. Dad strummed the guitar strings like a pro, but that passion wasn't exactly my style. Then, one day at school, I stumbled upon a piano and bam, love is in the air!
For my twelfth birthday, I gathered my relatives and asked them to give me only one present - an electronic piano. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not a real fan of musical schools’ approach. So, armed with an internet connection and YouTube videos, I embarked on a journey of self-study. This was really worth it!
Around a year down the line, I had a "Eureka!" moment – no matter how much I coaxed it, my electronic piano just couldn't masquerade as the real deal. So, I earned some money and welcomed an old but authentic acoustic piano into my life. Cue the angels singing! This piano wasn't just a musical instrument; it was a miracle for me. It bestowed upon me the power of musical flight and the resilience to soar even when the world around me was being all kinds of crazy, especially during hard times in Ukraine.