Programming Language: Python, HTML, CSS
Purpose: Accessible book for everyone
Library: Django
Amongst a certain set of people, there is a very popular book called Tehillim. allows people to access the book and read it easily from just a website. This was one of my first websites I developed, learning various CSS and HTML tricks, as well as understanding how websites work in general.'s backend uses Django and was my first released dynamic website, from which I learned about registering domain names, ip addresses and more. In this project, I also learned how to make pages look different on small and big screens, which is very helpful and makes the website more versatile.
One unique challenge I faced was that the words needed to be read and stored from right to left, unlike English being left to right. I have figured out how to work with and save jsons, what CSS styles I need to make the text right-aligned, dynamic templates and so much more! was my first proper project, from which I have learned a lot of things, from developing dynamic websites to publishing them online.